Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Eldest Oyster Speaks


FDA panel recommends Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 5-to-11-year-olds - Israel National News


The eldest Oyster looked at him,

      But never a word he said:

The eldest Oyster winked his eye,

      And shook his heavy head —

Meaning to say he did not choose

      To leave the oyster-bed.


Remember the eldest Oyster? Well, he’s all alone now. I went to visit him to see if maybe now he has something to say. He parted his lips and out flowed pearls of wisdom. This is what he told me:


First, they came for the flat-earthers.

But I didn’t speak out because I was not a flat-earther.


Then they came for the 9/11-truthers.

But I didn’t speak out because I was not a 9/11- truther.

Then they came for the Trumpeteers.

But I didn’t speak out because I voted for Hillary.


Then they came for the anti-vaxxers.

But I didn’t speak out because I was not an anti-vaxxer.


Then they came for…our children…

But, by that time…


The embedded video below shows an eight year old girl who is being held against her will at a Mamlachti school in Maalot after an unannounced person posing as a dentist came into the school to treat the students. Her father rushed over personally to pick her up but the principal refused to release her to her father. 

At the end, she needed to climb over the fence to get out.

(Note - The embedded videos do not display in the email version. If this is the case, click on the link in the above paragraph for the source or HERE to view it the actual blog.)


Disclaimer - Evidently, since the Covid vaccine has yet to be approved and "mandated" for that age range here in Israel, the visit from this unauthorized and unannounced doctor did not involve Covid vaccinations. It is claimed that he came to do dental checks, but the daughter and her father did not hang around long enough to find out. 

Regardless, it is clear that the child is being held against her will and that of her parents and was meant to be subjected to unauthorized medical treatment. For all we know this may have been a dry run to see if they succeed to administer health care without parental knowledge and/or authorization.

Here is the mother's account of the event. (If you got the email, click on the link in the lead text for the source, or HERE to see this in the blog.)



It’s time to wake up, chevrah! Tomorrow is already too late.

For more information:

Dr. Fauci explaining how the vaccine program is to be engineered pre-Corona

Covid-19 Vaccination Effects Watchdog - United States

Testimonies by 37 Israelis on adverse affects in 7 categories including death

And there is plenty more where all this came from, R"L.


yaak said...

If as described, scary.

Anonymous said...

"For all we know this may have been" ... staged, a russian invasion, a paranoid father, a security guard who wasn't sure what the rules were, a child who was being bullied in school and wanted to come home.

Come to think of it, maybe the school were forcing the child to have gender treatment against her and her father's will. Anything's possible with a bit of imagination.


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