Thursday, June 11, 2009

Life of a Salesman - * A Must Read*

My fate is to live the life of a salesman (I sure just don't want to die the Death of a Salesman.) My father, AMV"Sh, is a salesman. And he is my role model. So my motto in life is "What's good for Daddy is good for me." So, he is a salesman and I am a salesman. There is only one slight difference. He is a successful salesman, and I am not.

My father's wit and charm (and chasdei shamayim) - i.e., his "salesmanship" - got him through the Holocaust. While in Melk, a Nazi guard took a liking to him and would slip him an occasional apple on the sly. My father got badly injured while in Melk. Whereas most people as badly injured were sent on a one way trip to the camp infirmary, a Nazi guard (perhaps the same one) "looked the other way".

After the war he went into the diamond business and (again b'chasdei shamayim) became one of the most successful diamond merchants in Natwich. He could sell coal in Newcastle.

So, following in my father's footsteps (no concentration camps though, B"H) I set out to be a salesman. My first try was - naturally - the diamond business. I did okay in Natwich as the ground support for Papa but when I moved to Eretz Yisrael to fly on my own it was flop city. Diamonds lost their sparkle, but I am a born salesman! So I don't give up. I tried my hand at souvenirs, plastic change purses, portable massage tables, jelly beans, odd lots of cell phones, vibrating chairs and even real estate.

Not a nibble.

But I am not one to throw in the towel so quick. As they say, "Old salesmen never die - they just go out of commission."

I had to find a market that wasn't saturated. Then it struck me. I will sell Torah Judaism! Not stam Shabbos and kashrus and tefiillin like Aish sells. No, I will sell G-d's Secret Recipe for success from Parshat Bechukosai. G-d made it Himself and it's guaranteed for life (this one and the next). It's so inexpensive and very few have already bought it. How can I go wrong?

So I wrote One Above and Seven Below. Who would turn it down?

Now I have about 800 books gathering dust in my machsan and Amazon moved 5 books over the last 6 months. (To order, click HERE).

So now I am getting desparate. What else can I possibly sell?

Well, my previous post kind of gave away the new line I took on. I decided to change tactics and instead of pushing what nobody is selling, I want to push what many others are selling. I am even going into competition with my own brother who works for Nefesh B'Nefesh.

I am selling Aliya!!


Because we are in danger!

That's right. I am in cahoots with Fishman , Rav Amnon Yitzchok, the "Tzaddik nistars", the autistics, Chamish and all the other doomsday preachers and I am not afraid to admit it.

I buy The Obama Deception theory lock, stock and barrel and I urge everybody to take it very seriously.

Here's why:

Back in 1997, when I first told my father that I planned to make aliya, he asked me: Why? Now, in everything I've written I have blamed my wife for duping me into making aliya but that's just half the story. And it's not what I told my father. I told him (in 1997):

"There is going to be a mahapecha - a cataclysm - in America that will force the Jews to leave. It happened in Egypt and it happened in Spain and it happened in Europe and, when G-d is ready, it is going to happen here as well. And I feel it coming. I don't think America will last another full generation. As such, there is no long-term future for my children here. Why should I live out my life here and when things get worse, my children will have to come as struggling 'greenhorns'? Let me go now and I'll be the greenhorn and my children can acclimate to Israeli society and be 'first class' citizens."
What bothered me? I noticed a few changes. Two things specifically. The first was that My parents' generation was one of upward mobility. Most Jewish families had 3-6 children and day school tuition and health services - though less advanced - were at reasonable levels so they did not consume such a major proportion of average income. Thus it was not hard for earners to pay for basic expenses and have earnings left over for savings and amassing equity. Note, this was the era before "global economics" when Mom and Pop businesses flourished.

In my generation, Jewish families (Torah community) were becoming bigger and less spaced out and tuition and health care expenses skyrocketed. Thus, young householders - I am talking about working ones - were always playing "catch-up" with no reasonable prospects of getting ahead. By the time I left America (6 children aged 9 and down), even if I were to receive a sudden earnings increase of, say, 20%, every dime would be swallowed up by the tuition shortfall. So why strain to earn more money? I saw that the "American dream" was fading away and it looked to me as if G-d is starting to close the faucet. Conversely, the 1990s became the most prosperous era ever to grace Eretz Yisrael. It ended with the "dot-com" crash in the year 2000 and never rebounded.

This was the classic line of, "If I am going to live here (US) and struggle, I may as well live there (EY) and struggle!"

But the second factor was that my adulthood saw the transition between the tyrannical Carter administration and the benevolent Reagen administration. No president before or since Reagen ever understood the importance of befriending Israel and the risk to American security posed by the Islamists. Of course our friend Ayatollah Khomeini helped him understand it. Regardless, his was a pro-Israel administration (despite the Pollard fiasco) and both Israel and America prospered. One would expect that the ensuing Republican Bush I administration would maintain the status quo. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Bush went the other direction which was a let down in itself, but I could deal with that. He was an oil man so he sang the song of the Saudis and James Baker was no friend of Israel. But then something happened that I couldn't understand. A precursor of the current financial meltdown occurred in the guise of what was known as the Savings and Loan crisis. So in 1989 the United states banking industry was in trouble for making too many "bad loans". That means loans to people or businesses without adequate credit. A bit later, as the banking industry is trying to recover, Israel, who had a perfect credit rating, wanted to borrow $10B from private American banks - at interest - to absorb Soviets. All they needed was loan guarantees from the US government. This would have been a healthy jump-start for the sagging American economy and Bush could do nothing but gain. Yet, surprisingly, Bush withheld approval for the loan guarantees because of Israel's "policies" in the West Bank.

Something wasn't right. I understand that Bush doesn't give a tittle for Israeli interests, but this issue is American and his own interests. Let's understand this, this is way before Oslo. There were significantly less Moslems in the US (18 years ago) than today and the Jewish voting bloc, largely democratic, was much more substantial than the Arab one. The American economy is in recession after the S&L fiasco and Bush's popularity is down. Here comes Israel with a perfect credit rating and wants to give the American lending industry some much needed business in the private sector and all they want from the government are some loan guarantees. In a worst case scenario and Israel defaults, Uncle S becomes the creditor. You can bet, Israel won't want that to happen.

So it's a pretty safe deal. In fact, credit was never the issue. But what happens? Bush, on behalf of the American people tells Israel "No thanks. Take your business elsewhere." And I couldn't understand it. This was right before an election year! The economy stayed flat into the soon-to-come elections and Clinton whips Bush on the motto , "It's the economy, stupid!" And I even voted for Clinton the Democrat! America and Bush just shot themselves in the foot because Israel was maintaining the same status that were in place for 23 years! Does this make sense??

Something is going on behind the scenes. And America is on it's way down.

Then, for the next seven years, Bill Clinton, the liberal with all the Jewish friends and his Jewish-born, Holocaust refugee Secretary of State, Madeline Albright just continued dancing down the same road. I could understand Oslo, but what did America gain from Wye? America is inviting the Moslims in, along with opening the south border to millions of illegals to do American jobs at half price while manufacturing outsources itself to China and Thailand and we are buying Japanese and Korean. Meanwhile, Johnny can't read (Spanish) and Carlos can't read English.

I didn't see a future.

Until recently, I thought - like everybody else - that all of this social decay was just a result of goyish-minded shortsightedness mixed with complacency and the domination of today's hedonistic pleasures over tomorrow's hangovers. Kind of like America's policy of "Buy now, pay later." But the absurdity of the Obama election and his total reversal on all his promises of "change" for the better plus his dictatorial demeanor have led me to suspect that maybe something more sinister - and more dangerous - may be involved. And when I viewed The Obama Deception, as far out as it is, there was nothing about it that didn't make sense.

I think everybody needs to watch The Obama Deception and compare it to events as they unfold, and pack your bags and get the dickens over here. To understand what it is saying, you must be familiar with certain international and national organizations. So first check out these bodies:

Then watch this:

And then watch The Obama Deception all the way through (the scariest part starts at 1:23:00).

And then click here:

Am I convinced that Bilderberg Group, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Federal Reserve and IMF are all a bunch of sinister money lords plotting to take over the world?

Of course I'm not. But they are no tzaddikim and chazal tell us (Sanhedrin 71b):
כנוס לרשעים רע להן ורע לעולם

"An assembly of wicked people is bad for them and bad for the entire world!"

But believe it or not, that's not the part that got me. The part that got was the sight of the American mobs all starry eyed and mesmerized cheering (Yes, we can!) and saluting Der Feuhrer Obama right after he said something that is not in their long term interest. Whatever he says is gospel. They are doing it just like the Russians did it in 1917 and just like the Germans did it in 1937 and just like the Chinese did it (when?).

Watch out! Here we go again!

So, call me a gullible conspiracy alarmist nutcase or whatever, but I happen to find The Obama Deception to be quite plausible.


Because it all happened before.

Oh yeah, in another time, at another place, to other people...

But the other time was less than a century ago. And the other place was not so far away - where our grandparents used to live. And the other people were...well, my motto is: "What's good for Daddy is good for me."

So, do I have any buyers?

Augh-gh-gh!!! The life of a salesman!


Baruch said...

Since you brought up a movie produced by Alex Jones, I have to ask: out of curiosity Yechezkel, do you believe that the American government or Israel's government orchestrated 9-11?

Yechezkel Hirshman said...

Baruch, LOY"T

Thank you for your comment. I must backtrack a bit and say that I outdid myself when I said that I buy it "lock, stock, and barrel". I did not anticipate readers to take it that literally. Thus, when I look at Jones' film, as would most people, I filter out what seems to be substantial and what is theatrics and what is pure conjecture (like tying in the Kennedy assasination or the subliminal allusion to 9/11). I actually wrote in my post that I don't necessarily buy that Bilderberg are sinister plotters. Yet, there is always the perpetual question: if they are sincerely solving poverty and civil strife, or even just playing poker, why all the secrecy and exclusivity?

My overall assessment is based on the more substantial components of his documentary - predominately the statements from Obama, Emmanual, etc. uttered on camera in full view plus fishy things that I have been aware of from other sources besides Jones (with an emphasis on the FEMA concentration camps), plus just plain things that are going on, intuition, the wisdom of age, and historical precedence.

In my eyes, the question is not is Jones' theory true (I have no conclusive opinion) but rather do I think that the American public in general and the Jews in particular have some serious things to worry about (with or without Jones)? Of the latter, I am convinced.

I did glance at your link. He mostly addresses what anyway is the excess theatrics, not what I consider the substantial part. Secondly, his points leave much room for equal-time rebuttal so I do not really consider Jones to be either proven or debunked.

For your last question - you posed it as what we here in Israel call a "mivchan Amerikai" which means multiple choice test - and my reponse is: None of the above.

Regards to Atlanta or Florida or wherever you are - and don't be the last one out.



Baruch said...

The link I provided only went into the first 20 minutes of the film. The main purpose of said blog is to debunk 9-11 Truth.

So if I understand correctly, you find Jones's theory about Obama and a New World Order plausible and certainly a fair opinion, if not yet proven. In your view, "there was nothing about it that didn't make sense" and it is "quite plausible." (Do you have the same belief about 9-11 Truth and Facilitated Communication?) And you are "selling aliyah" because American Jews are in danger because of "Der Feuhrer Obama."

Anonymous said...

I am leery of 9/11 conspiracy theories, but, that being said, I have no doubt that a second holocaust is coming that will make the first one look like a picnic in the park. I have written about this idea before - as you noted, many others are "selling" this. Some sell it as a matter of the New World Order or some-such, but I personally "sell" it as a matter of prophecy.

We have indeed entered an era, whether planned out of just in the natural course of things, where America is no longer going to stand by Israel or by Jews.

My degree is in philosophy, and what I see coming for America and the west is the pendulum reverse of the tolerance/multi-cultural thing. I call it a movement that advocates "radical conformity." I'm not sure whether it will take a secular or a "religious right" (Christian) form, but it is coming.

I base this on several observations. Religious expression or affiliation is fast becoming simply not tolerated, people are tired of having every sort of "weird" clothing and custom and practice rammed down their throats. There was sometimes in the past year or so an article in Australia, I think it was, basically saying if muslims can't or won't dress and assimilate in the western way, they should leave and go somewhere else.

That attitude is only a skip away from being applied to Jews, too. The fact that this article didn't get denounced strongly by the common people indicates which way the philosophical wind is blowing, so to speak. Once you filter out the protests from "the usual suspects," which people pretty much just ignore now, you see the way it's going to go. People don't want any more multi-culturalism, or tolerance. They want to be left alone.

And I believe secular governments are tired, also, of being influenced by religious groups. You can see where this will lead, I'm sure. Once you have popular and government support removed, "never again" begins to look a lot more like the "final solution" to everyone's problems. If THOSE people left, everything would be fine, they'll think, subconsciously or otherwise. And the persecutions and harassment and violence will begin in earnest. Just wait and see.

Baal Habos said...

>"There is going to be a mahapecha - a cataclysm - in America that will force the Jews to leave. It happened in Egypt and it happened in Spain and it happened in Europe and, when G-d is ready, it is going to happen here as well

It happened in Eretz Yisroel, too. Twice. What makes you think it won't happen a third time?

Baal Habos said...

>"There is going to be a mahapecha - a cataclysm - in America that will force the Jews to leave. It happened in Egypt and it happened in Spain and it happened in Europe and, when G-d is ready, it is going to happen here as well

It happened in Eretz Yisroel, too. Twice. What makes you think it won't happen a third time?

Yechezkel Hirshman said...

>>It happened in Eretz Yisroel, too. Twice. What makes you think it won't happen a third time?

The short answer is: Principle #6 of the 13 principles of Rambam (That's just about where you left off).

Obviously, It would serve to elaborate on this but it would be a bit much for a comment.

Let me just say this. I feel that America's principles of democracy and free market economy are in danger. Obama has been preaching "redistribution of wealth" and that is the only promise he has been making good on.

So far he has awarded 750b of your money (that's $2500) for every man woman and child in America to banks and big business. Why not just give it back to the people to increase spending and free market?

There seems to be clear movement to impoverish the masses and eliminate the middle class, push most people down to lower class (peasantry) and maintain a small elite capitalistic upper class. There will also be a national police force. All property and movement will be registered and monitored.

I don't see this as a doomsday theory. It is what is currently going on and being developed through current and proposed legislation.

IOW, they are building an American iron curtain and it is on its way to becoming another police state just like Russia, China, and Nazi Germany.

As for Eretz Yisrael, there never was democracy or free market here and it's already a police state ruled by the "Judiciary". There are no losses of freedom to worry about here.

But at the end of the day, there you will be a citizen without rights and here you will be a citizen without rights and, for a Jew, it will be a lot safer to not have rights here (EY) than to not have rights there (US).

Have a great shabbos,

Chezkel the Clueless

Baal Habos said...

>The short answer is: Principle #6 of the 13 principles of Rambam (That's just about where you left off). Obviously, It would serve to elaborate on this but it would be a bit much for a comment

You certainly should elaborate. Which prophecy states that there would be no more than two major calamities that befall the Jewish population in Yisroel. As far as calamities go for the Jewish people, Israel is no safer than the rest of the world.

>Let me just say this. I feel that America's principles of democracy and free market economy are in danger

I'm not sure why you're going off on this tangent in reply to my question. Barring the arrival of the Moshiach, I'd say that calamity is more likely to befall Israel than America. And barring the arrival of the Moshiach, if calamity does hit America, Israel won't be far behind.

Have a great shabbos.

Da'as Baal Habos.

Freelance Kiruv Maniac (Mr. Hyde) said...

I wonder how many people throughout the decades have predicted the very same thing about America whenever it was going through hard times and extreme measures were taken by the government.

joshwaxman said...

good point. kol hakavod.

"That's right. I am in cahoots with Fishman , Rav Amnon Yitzchok, the "Tzaddik nistars", the autistics, Chamish and all the other doomsday preachers and I am not afraid to admit it."
but the tzaddik nistar was shown to be saying falsehood. rosh chodesh sivan came and went, and people are still making aliyah. are you willing to state that the Tzadik Nistar was a lunatic?


Shaul B said...

Yechezkel, achi, you really have gone off the deep end here. Conspiracy theories are for losers. It does you scant credit to associate your name with these angry, paranoid delusionals and their specious doomsday predictions. Yeah, yeah, I don't like Obama either, I also think he's bad for the Jews, bad for Israel, etc. But this New World Order bollox? Puh-leease.

Ari said...

Listen, I can be just as nervous for klal yisroel being concentrated in one tiny medinah, making it real easy to be annhilated, c"s. And I can be really nervous for yiden in Russia, Venezuela, France, Iran, Yemen and many other places. But, out of all the places in the world, I am much more sanguine about Jews who currently make their home in North America. By and large, the people who live here, in this time and place, are decent individuals.

My advice is to keep pushing aliyah (a worthy aspiration), but peddling baseless hysteria can't and shouldn't be part of your shpiel. It's irresponsible, possibly disengenuous, and doesn't become a man of your erudition, emunah and intelligence.

Yechezkel Hirshman said...

>>but the tzaddik nistar was shown to be saying falsehood. rosh chodesh sivan came and went, and people are still making aliyah. are you willing to state that the Tzadik Nistar was a lunatic?

The response that I initially wrote to this comment (which also addressed some of the other comments) exceeded the comment limit of 4096 charachters (I can't imagingine how it did that). So I made it into a new post.

Please see my latest post :

The Lunatic Club



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