Friday, November 3, 2023

New World Order - Part 2: When Did it All Start? And What is the End Game? (Noach, Lech Lecha, Vayeira)


I have written in the past that, amazingly, the Jewish day school I attended did not teach Chumash until third grade. And even then, they only began at Parshas Lech Lecha. As such, I had learned about Darwinian evolution through secular media, like television and magazines, even before I knew about the six days of Creation.

On top of that, in my childhood, I had also learned some of Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories. For those who weren’t born last century, Kipling’s Just So Stories are fanciful post-Darwin mythological tales that seem to complement “Origin of Species”. They have titles such as “How the Leopard Got its Spots”, “How the Camel Got Its Hump”, “How the Rhinoceros Got its Skin”, “How the First Letter was Written”, and even "How the Alphabet was Made".

It's a child’s guide on how things got started. Only, a child has a hard time distinguishing between fact and fiction. Just ask any kid who read Where the Wild Things Are.

Eventually, I did learn Breishis and Noach, but the damage was done. A story is a story whether it comes from Rudyard Kipling or Moshe Rabeinu. So, to people like me, when we study Parshas Noach and learn about the Dor Haflaga, aka, the Tower of Bavel, it comes across as just another Just So story.

How the Camel Got its Hump.

How the Whale Got its Throat

How the Leopard Got its Spots

How the Alphabet was Made

How the World Got 70 Languages

Just So!

Sadly, even for many Jews who were taught nothing but Creation and always believed it and who are not children anymore, they still don’t get the story of the Dor Haflaga. They still think that its main purpose is to tell us a true account of why the people of the world speak many different languages. They think that it was a one-time historical event that occurred over 4000 years ago and is totally a thing of the past. Ancient history. Nimrod lived and died and nothing remains of his reign and his tower.

They are making a huge mistake. Nimrod is still here. He is alive and well. And the purpose of the story of the tower is to tell us about the “birth” of the Freemasons, the Globalists, the Deep State, the Knights of the New World Order. It is here to tell us that they exist, and despite all their sweet talk, they are up to no good, and that we must not comply with them.

Yep, the New World Order is not all that new. It’s actually more than 3500 years old!

Of course, many of us are either ignorant or skeptical about all of this. But let me say this:

Every single Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we say these words in every Shemona Esrei:

וכל הרשעה כעשן תכלה, כי תעביר ממשלת זדון מן הארץ

May all the evil be obliterated like smoke, as the malicious government is expelled from the Earth.

We say these words 13 times every single year, year after year. If you have been davening for ten years, you have said it 130 times. If you have davened for forty years, you have said it over 500 times. Have you ever stopped to think: Who exactly is this malicious government? What kind of government existed when our liturgy was first devised (at least 1500 years ago), and is still here today, and will remain until HKBH establishes His Kingdom over the world?

It can't be the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Spanish Inquisition, Czarist Russia or Nazi Germany. They're all gone. It cannot be the US, the EU or the UK. They weren't in power earlier on.


Well then, who is this "malicious government"? What makes them so exceedingly malicious?

The obvious answer is that it is the government of Nimrod. It is Nimrod’s one world government. They didn’t disappear. They were only scattered to 70 nations. Yet, there are those in all the 70 nations that still aspire to Nimrod’s plans.

And what makes them so malicious?

Well, for one thing, you and me don’t count. Remember what Chazal tell us that if a brick would fall off the structure and break, they would weep bitter tears. But if a workman fell off of the structure and died, they did not care. Everyone lives and dies for the state – the “Deep State”.

But the more important factor is that they don’t have the interests of the Creator in mind. The Midrash tells us that the Dor Haflaga was not fully united. There were three objectives that motivated the members to build the tower.

First there were the non-believer scientists. These folks either believed that HKBH left the world to work on its own (clockmaker theory) or they were plain atheists. They thought the sky collapses every so often and causes a great flood. The purpose of the tower was either to buttress the sky so it won’t collapse or, if it does, they can climb up into the tower and stay above water.

The second group were idolaters who simply wanted to keep their deities in high places. The third group were the ones that believed in G-d but wanted to banish Him from the earth. They wanted to wage war against G-d.

These are the Satanists. 


Whichever way, there was no place for HKBH in their city and tower.

The Midrash says that Avraham Avinu understood what was going on and stood against the “project”. Unity for the wicked is not a good thing. Aside from Avraham, three other people opposed the project from the start – Noach, the father of all humanity, Shem his son, and Eiver who was Shem’s grandson. All of these were ancestors of Avraham Avinu. They tried to convince the people of the world not to follow Nimrod, but Nimrod’s influence and might was too overwhelming.

All of the descendants of Cham and Yefes sided with Nimrod. Even most of the sons of Shem, including Eilam and Kedarlaomer, followed Nimrod. Only one person listened and walked away – Ashur. He moved North and built four cities of his own, presumably without towers.

Anyway, HKBH gathered a Beis Din of 70 malachim with HKBH as the Av Beis Din. this made a total of 71 dayanim. It was a precarious moment because this was high treason and, once again, the proper penalty was to destroy the world. But, since despite their treason, they were able to coexist as a society, the Beis Din paskened that, for now, we will merely disrupt the communications of the parties and let them be. Each of the 70 malachim came down and taught a bunch of workers a different language.

Nimrod’s power was severely weakened, and the one world government and Central Bank Digital Currency initiative was put on the shelf for the time being. But Nimrod still ruled over the world.

I noted in my previous post (NWO - Part 1) that Nimrod was subservient to Kedarlaomer. I would venture to suggest that this fact was kept between Nimrod and Kedarlaomer. As far as the rest of the world was concerned, Nimrod was thought to be invincible.


Noach took the special clothes that HKBH made for Adam HaRishon with him on the ark. When he wasn’t looking, Cham snatched them away. Cham gave them to his firstborn Kush who gave them to his son Nimrod. These clothes had drawings of animals on them and this caused all wild animals to cower from them. Whoever wore the clothes could catch and tame any type of animal. That is why Nimrod was thought to be the greatest of hunters.

In any case, nobody messed with Nimrod. This is how Nimrod got the entire world to join his tower project and to get involved in Molech and devil worship. With or without the tower, he wanted to banish HKBH from this world.

Noach soon died and Shem and Eiver relocated to Eretz Yisrael to learn Torah and stay close to HKBH. Nimrod didn’t see them as a threat since they kept to themselves and didn’t try to spread the Word of G-d to the masses. At least not in his territory.

But there was one person who did remain in Bavel and started preaching to the masses that there is an omnipotent Creator who calls the shots and is the only being that should be worshipped, and that Nimrod is as mortal as everyone else. This was Avraham the Ivri (Opponent).

Nimrod had his medical license revoked, had him censored and deplatformed, shut all his social media including his X-Twitter account, sued him for spreading misinformation and even gave him beachfront property in Maui and zapped him with a DEW (Direct Energy Weapon).

Nothing worked but, eventually, HKBH told Avraham Avinu to relocate to Maarava (Go West, young man. Go west.)

But Nimrod wasn’t deterred.

Remember the war of the Four Kings against the Five? Four kings from Iraq (Bavel) – Nimrod and his friend Aryoch – and from Iran (Eilam) – Kedarlaomer and his friend Thidal – came all the way to Eretz Kanaan to fight against the Sodomites.

Why did they come? What were they after?

Well, the Torah gives us the official narrative. They used to pay taxes to Kedarlaomer and they abruptly stopped. Kedarlaomer was coming to collect his money.

But, as usual, we can never fully rely on the official narrative. Ther is always more to the story. In my previous post, I noted that the tax revolt may have been the main motive for Kedarlaomer. But it doesn’t really explain why Nimrod came under an assumed name. I suggested that, initially, he was sent to do it by Kedarlaomer because the Kanaanim were from Nimrod’s ethnic crowd.

Without discounting that theory, I came to another suggestion. Something that the Torah didn’t want to tell us straight out but can be read between the lines.

Nimrod was after Avraham Avinu – plain and simple. He couldn’t care less about the Sodom money. That was Kedarlaomer’s fight as we said last post. But joining up with Kedarlaomer on the Sodom campaign was his golden opportunity to get Avraham Avinu. Avrohom Avinu was his primary objective all along.

I am thinking that Kedarlaomer wasn’t interested in capturing Lot and starting up with his cousin Abe. He was a Semite and had mixed alliances. He also knew that Avraham Avinu was no pushover and thus far, never lost a fight. It was only Nimrod who had the audacity to capture Lot so as to draw in Avraham. It was his plan all along.

We are told that when these kings whipped the Refaim, that Og escaped. He was a war refugee. How did Og (and apparently his brother Sichon) manage to escape when all these other Neanderthals got whacked?

I don’t think Og escaped. I think he was spared. I think he was purposely spared by Nimrod so he can capture Lot and then get Avraham to enter the war. Nimrod needed to crush Avraham in order to re-establish his New World Order.

He hadn’t given up.

The Torah tells us that Nimrod lost the war and got smitten but it doesn’t really tell us the he was killed. It only says that Avraham chased the remainder out to Syria. Either Nimrod was not finished off or, if he was, he had a son, also named Nimrod, who succeeded him. This Nimrod (whichever) actually came back and tried again.

Eisav got him that time and really killed him. But instead of taking out the Globalists, he just grabbed the fancy Adam HaRishon clothes and reestablished the New World Order in Rome.

Where do I get this hidden message?

In this week’s Parsha (Vayeira – Breishis 18:27), Avraham is pleading with Hashem to same some of the Sodom complex. He says to Hashem: ואנכי עפר ואפר.

I am afar (dust) and aifer (ashes).

Rashi on the spot explains – And I should have already been relegated to dust (afar) on account of the four kings and to ashes (aifer) on account of Nimrod, if not for Your mercy that sustained me.

Okay, there’s the four kings and then there is also Nimrod. And who is at the head of the four kings (at the start)?

Amraphel = Nimrod.

Avraham is saying I would have been ashes due to Nimrod and I would have been dust due to Nimrod. It’s all the same Nimrod from dust to ashes.

Now, here is something very scary.

Avraham Avinu first spoke about being dust עפר and then mentioned ashes אפר. But wasn’t the furnace before the war? Wasn’t the ashes before the dust?

Avraham Avinu is the father of Klal Yisrael. But he is also the Av Hamon Goyim. The father of the nations of the earth.

What is עפר (dust)?

ע-פר. 70 bulls. The seventy bulls that we bring on Succos for all of the nations. That comes earlier.

What is אפר (ashes)?

א-פר. One bull. The solitary bull that we bring on Shemini Atzeres for the Jewish people. That comes later.

Avraham Avinu is the father of the nations of the earth, so he has the attribute of ע-פר – 70 bulls of Succos. But he is also the father of Klal Yisrael so he has the attribute of א-פר – the single bull of Shemini Atzeres.

In Parshas Chukas, the ashes of the Parah Adumah are referred by both terms afar and aifer. But, notice something. In Bamidbar 19:9 it states:

ואסף איש טהור את אפר הפרה

And a pure person should gather the aifer of the cow.

Aifer אפר is associated with a pure person, with purity.

Later in Bamidbar 19:17 it states:

ולקחו לטמא מעפר שריפת החטאת

And they will take for the impure one from the afar of the sin offering…

Afar עפר is associated with an impure person, with impurity. Moreover, it is no longer called a parah (cow) but a chatas – object of sin.

First the seventy nations have their “chag”. We remain in the Sukkah. On the eighth day we come out of the Sukkah and celebrate our closeness to HKBH. But this is only if we distinguish ourselves from the seventy nations and stay separate. If we do not, there is no longer a Sukkah and no barrier between them and us.

Many people don’t know anything about this Globalist Elite and New World Order cabal. When people like me try to tell them it exists, the skeptics ask a very common question: If there is such a cabal, why are they doing all this? What is their ultimate goal? What’s the “end-game”?

Al I can answer is that this cabal is the reincarnation of the Dor Haflaga. Whatever their primary goal was then is exactly what it is today. They are the same people, so they have the same agenda. There is nothing new under the sun.

The reason the Torah told us about it isn’t a Just So Story about why we speak different languages. It is telling us who the ממשלת זדון that we beg Hashem to destroy every single year really are.

Like Nimrod, they want total control over the world. They want to depopulate the world with war, urban violence, hunger, and poisons – in the form of processed foods, fluorides, pharmaceuticals, and vaccines - abortions, sterilization, and promoting homosexuality and transgenderism. They want to impoverish us with inflation, all kinds of taxes and high interest credit and low interest savings. They want to kidnap and traffic human beings for fun and profit.

It's all them and it’s all by design.

Only Avraham Avinu stood on the other side. Avraham Avinu was able to distinguish between the afar and the aifer. We need to be the progeny of Avraham Avinu and stand against Nimrod and the world. We need to be separate from the nations and their anti-G-d New World Order.

כי ביצחק יקרא לך זרע


Anonymous said...

ברוך שכיוונת. Your point about Amrafel and company specifically coming to fight against Avraham is in Bereishis Rabbah 42:3:

אמר רבי אחא לא באו להזדוג אלא לתוך גלגל עינו של עולם, עין שעשתה מדת הדין בעולם הם מבקשים לסמותה. הוא קדש, אמר רב אחא הוא כתיב, הוא שקדש שמו של הקדוש ברוך הוא בכבשן האש

Yechezkel Hirshman said...

Yasher koach for this, too.


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