Thursday, June 20, 2024

Chochma BaGoyim Taamin


Sometime after the outbreak of the Shemini Atzeres war, I wrote two posts about the people who are behind this. The first one (Nov 3, 2023) was titled New World Order - Part 2: When Did it All Start? And What is the End Game? This was a hysterical historical overview of the New World Order globalists who are behind all the events that are going on worldwide.

The second one (Nov 12, 2023) was titled Brutal Betrayal. It was an analysis of the suspicious nature of the October 7 events and security lapses that point to a grand collusion from the inside. There are definitely traitors in our midst.

Both of these posts are well worth reviewing.

Over the past months, I chanced across two lengthy interviews of one very astute non-Jewish individual named Francisco Gil-White. I do not know his occupation or claim to fame but he is one of the most broad-minded, honest, and introspective analysts I have come across.

The earlier interview is the longer one. It is just shy of two hours long. His main point is that antisemitism is not only a hatred of Jews. It is no coincidence that the most virulent anti-Semites throughout history were also those who aimed to squash all manner of human rights.

Almost all past social disasters that appeared to be aimed at us Jews actually persecuted the freedom loving gentiles more than us.

The Spanish Inquisition was really a war against Christian heretics, not against the Jews. Nazi Germany enslaved and murdered about 20,000,000 non-combatants including half of Germany and all of Eastern Europe. Only one third of those were Jews.

Think Stalin and communism, Fascism, and all of the Arab regimes. We can also throw in Mao Tze Dung and the Khmer Rouge who didn’t even have any Jews tp kill. They all just murdered their own.

Antisemitism is just a ruse to get all the peaceful non-Jews to look the other way until their turn comes. It is also there because the only way they can succeed in forming a one world totalitarian government and enslave all peace-loving people, is if they can get us out of the way first, just like Nimrod couldn't get his plan to fly as long as Avraham Avinu was around.

You can see the earlier interview HERE:

The later interview is a little shorter and more timely. Here, Mr. Gil-White hypothesizes about who is really pulling the strings in the Middle East and Iran and he points the finger at…drumroll…the American shadow policy makers. He shows how its clear that the US is playing the game both ways but their true goal is to take down Israel. After that, the rest of the free world.

This is for the same purpose as he discussed earlier, to depopulate and enslave the peaceful masses.

He posits that the US policy makers are the quintessential wolves in sheep’s clothing. And, as I wrote in my posts, this did not just start today. World War II and the Holocaust itself was the brainchild of the American Eugenicists.


Yes, indeed, Adolf Hitler was a rabid anti-Semite of the highest order, but he could not pull off his Holocaust without international backing (and banking). Actually, he was merely a puppet for the American Eugenicist capitalists who bankrolled him, supplied him, encouraged him and protected him. These were the likes of John D. Rockefeller and his Standard Oil which flowed freely to Germany, Henry Ford and his trucks, Tom Watson and his IBM tabulation technology, Prescott Bush, Allen Dulles, William Randolph Hearst and the Pattersons with their propaganda. They all helped build and maintain the Nazi machine.   

Of course, there were British and German collaborators, too, not to mention the good ol’ Mufti, but the Americans were the most powerful.

Anyway, he claims it is the Americans who are bankrolling Qatar and Iran and, by proxy, Hamas and Fatah and Islamic Jihad and PFLP, and always were. They are the ones who set us up for the Yom Kippur war, with the help of good ol’ American goyim like Henry Kissinger and Golda and forced us into Oslo and the disengagement. Evidently, they are the ones who handcuffed the IDF not to respond to October 7th, to disarm the settlers, and to get all the nice guards and sentries to look the other way. It follows that they are the protectors of the leftist Israeli judicial court system and the instigators of all the prewar unrest.

Good ol’ Uncle Shmiel.

When you listen to his theories, a lot of what is happening now falls into place.

You can see the more recent interview HERE:


I highly recommend looking in on them if you have the time (Tip: change the playback speed to 1.5x or 2x). Both are quite long. If you can only watch one, it is better to watch the second one since it is shorter, more relevant, and more up to date.

In any case, keep your friends close and your enemies closer – if there is any difference.

This person is very wise.

חכמה בגויים תאמין

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