Sunday, September 29, 2024

My Shana Tova Message from 5771 - Repost for 5785

Behold, I am reposting my Shana Tova message from 5771. It looks like it may still be relevant today.

In 5771 I wrote: Maybe, just maybe, by the end of the year, he will really mean it.

[It seems that he tried to run for president again in 2017 but was shoved aside by the "bosses".  He missed a thrilling helicopter ride last spring. Good for him. Maybe they need to take him out of the mothballs since they are running a bit low on inspirational "leaders".]

ויאמר כל אשר נשמה באפו, ה' אלוקי ישראל מלך -- ומלכותו בכל משלה!

לשנה טובה תכתבו ותחתמו

And I really mean it!


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