Wednesday, October 2, 2024

נס גדול יהיה פ"ה - A New Shana Tova Message for 5785

We are all familiar with the liturgical chapters of Tehillim that we say regularly on a daily basis and on Shabbos and Yomim Tovim in our prayers. To these, we can add those that we say on special occasions and for specific entreaties and requests. Some of us may say Tikun Klali or have their own list of “favorites”. 

When all this is said and done, we are familiar with a large chunk of Tehillim, perhaps a third of the sefer or more. Yet we know that there are so many mysterious unfamiliar chapters that are just as significant and inspirational that don’t get much recognition.

Just out of curiosity and in preparation for the upcoming Rosh Hashanah and the year 5785, הבעל"ט, I decided to check out the corresponding chapter for 57’85’ – chapter 85. For most of us, and certainly for me, this is one of those chapters that falls through the cracks and does not merit a lot of publicity.

So now, when I looked at this unfamiliar chapter in the context of today’s current events, I was totally “floored”. I think it is eerily prophetic as well as inspiring and comforting. 

This perek talks to us about how HKBH is going to appease our (His) land and return our captives and that He will forgive our sins and no longer be angry with us and will shower the world with truth.

There is nothing we need more right now.

I will embed a complete text in both Lashon Kodesh and English. 

The embedded text may not be displayed in the email versions, so I will add a link (HERE) and I will paste in only the English text to avoid issues of shem Hashem. Here is the complete chapter translated into English from the Chabad site:

For the conductor, a song of the sons of Korach.

O Lord, You have appeased Your land; You have returned the Captivity of Jacob.

You have forgiven the iniquity of Your people; You have concealed all their sin forever.

You have taken in all Your wrath; You have retreated from the fierceness of Your anger.

Return us, O G-d of our salvation and revoke Your anger with us.

Will You be wroth with us forever? Will You extend Your anger to generation after generation?

Will You not return and revive us so that Your people will rejoice with You?

Show us, O Lord, Your kindness, and Your salvation You shall give to us.

I shall hear what G-d will speak when He speaks peace to His people and to His pious men, and they will not return to folly.

Truly, His salvation is near those who fear Him, so that His glory dwell in our land.

Kindness and truth have met; righteousness and peace have kissed.

Truth will sprout from the earth, and righteousness will look down from heaven.

G-d too will give good, and our land will give its produce.

Righteousness will go before him, and He will place it on the way of his steps.

May this be a prophecy that reaches fulfilment. May all the hostages and soldiers be back home in time for Shemini Atzeres.

שיר המעלות בשוב ה' את שיבת ציון היינו כחלמים. אז ימלא שחק פינו ולשוננו רנה. אז יאמרו בגוים הגדיל ה' לעשות עם אלה...

לשנה טובה תכתבו ותחתמו

תהא שנת פדיון הנפש

תהא שנת פדיון הגוף

תהא שנת פדיון השבויים

נס גדול תיעשה פ"ה

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